I Heart Etsy - Spanglish Team

A few days ago I became a member of the Spanglish Team on Etsy. The team is open to Latin immigrants that have adapted to the USA society which is so different from that of our contries of origin, and to second and third generation Latin-American descendants and have evolved that particular and widespread language we call Spanglish.
Today's collection of products available on Etsy are from members of the team.

1. Yo-Yo Computer Tote By Lolos

There many more talented sellers on the team and I'll feature more in future posts. In the mean time you can check them out on Etsy.


  1. Nice post, Marlene thank you for supporting the SPanglish Team.

  2. WOW!! Great post Marlene!

    Thank you for featuring Spanglish team and a big thanks for counting me in :)

  3. Nice Post, you have a beautiful Blog!
    Congratulation for all yours ideas.

  4. Wow... Lovely post about our team... :-)) Great items and members. Thank you so much! Go Team!

    Lolo :-)


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